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Friday, February 23, 2018

Key Of success in everybody is life.

  Key of success in everybody's life

Hello ,  thanks for visit in this website today I would like to draw your attention on keys of success of everyone's life so that you will be a successful person in your life so let's be read it.

1 . Our first key of success is read but write more.

2. Second key of success is talk but think more.

3 . Third key of success is play but read mode. 

4.  Fourth key of success is eat but chew more .

5.  Fifth  key of success this  weep but laugh more .

6 . Sixth key of success is sleep but work more. 

7 . 7th key of success is  Hate but love more.

8. 8th key of success is punish but forgive more. 

9 .  9th key of success is order but obey more.  

10. 10th key of success is quarrel but agree more. 

11. 11th of successive spend but save more.

12 . 12th key of success is consume but produce more .

These are very few keys of success if we obey we will succeed sure.

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