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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

You reap what you sow. A short story for kids with moral a great moral in English in story time with ritashu

A short story for kids you reap what you sow.....

A frail old man went to live with his son and daughter in law and a 3 year old grandson.

The old man's hands trembled ,his eyesight was blurred and his step faltered.

The family get together at the table but the elderly grandfather's shaking hands and failing sight made eating difficult.

Due to which his food fell down on the table and his son and daughter in law became irritated with the mess.

So they set a small table in a corner and ordered their father to eat alone while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner together.

But the grandson watched  it all in Silence.

One day his grandson was playing with wood scraps on the floor and his father ask to him sweetly what are you doing my dear?

 Then the son sweetly replied I am making a little bowl for you and mama to eat your food in when I grow up.

Then I will make a short table and set it in a corner of the home so that both of you cannot irritate my family in future.

That words so stuck the parents so they weres speechless and care started to stream down their cheeks.

Then they realise their mistake and right now they took grandfather's hand and gently led him back to the family table.

Now they are living in a happy and cooperative family.
The 3 year old boy had tort his parents a great lesson no he was very younger but have great sense  and pure hearted boy.

Moral you reap what you sow regardless of your relationship with your parents you will miss them when they are gone from your life always respect care for and love them.

If you like don't forget to share it in your group thanks for visiting here.

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