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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Respect your elders.

 Respect your elders


Hello kids welcome to this site today I come with a beautiful article on respect your elders.

This is not a story but very great moral value.

We all know we should do respect our elders but ever we think how many promise really respect to our elders so let's think and read ahead.

We must always try to respect our parents and our teachers. How many of us love our parents and teachers with full devotion?

I think out of hundred ,90 of us respect but 10 of us do not love and respect them with full devotion, so for the rest ten I would like to explain that we are not so young that we cannot understand feelings of our parents.

They also have many expectations from us that doesn't mean that we must get exas perated by them we all must ask to do something for our parents to make them proud on US , by which they also may be honoured.

Now we are grown ups we must understand their feelings . sometimes they berate us but that doesn't mean that they are our enemies . what ever they say must be prominence to us,  I had many experiences for last 5 to 6 years,  I hear many of them saying that, " my parents doesn't understand me and whatever I do is of no use to them". they feel I am a useless person.

But that doesn't mean that they really think as they say,  it's the anger of some time which unfolds them to say that but I would like to request my readers to be fully committed and devoted towards our parents.. they are Boons to us.

 By concluding , I would say that it's never late in life whenever you wake up you can start a new beginning and I would like to open your eyes and make a vision that parents and teachers are our God and we must always worship them.

Thanks for visiting to my website if you really like this article kindly share it in your group so that the persons who are unaware about respect of our elders they get away and start a new beginning of the life and respect their teachers parents and all elders.

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