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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The rabbit and a lion.. a short story for kids in English with a great moral value

The rabbit and the lion..

Hello kids I am back with a new story the Clever Hare and ac cruel lion  and I hope you like it so just continue reading thanks for being here.

Once upon a time there lived a cruel lion in a forest . He was very very very cruel. Other animals were afraid of him because he always kill animals without Mercy and need..

After a long time the animals held a meeting . It was decided that one animal would be sent to the Lion everyday so that he will not kill all the animals without any reason..

They post a letter to the lion about that proposal and the lion thought if I can get one animal each day then why I need to move here or there in search of these animal and get tired so he accepted this proposal.

The animals were very happy because now they can live their life without any tension.

But there was a small hair who was very clever he thought something and asked from all animals that may I go first to the lion??

The animals for very surprised and so they asked why did you want to go first?? The hair replied I have an idea to get rid from that cruel lion.

The hair was very little but was very clever so all the animals thought it can do this and they gave him permission to go..

The main went to the lions place very late and so the lion was in very anger he wanted to know why the hair was so late?

Hair replied sir, actually I met with another lion while coming here and he said he was the king of the forest and he wanted to eat me.

The Lion roared and asked where is he ? I wanted to meet him.

The hair took him to a well and said sir, the other lion is in the well. The  Lion look the into the well he saw his own reflection. He thought it was the other lion he got angry jumped into the well and died...

Moral ::. intelligence is more important and useful than the physical power..

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