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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Clever cat. A short story with the great moral for kids in English.

The Clever cat..

Hey kids this story is about the cat who was very old and unable to catch rats . But she was very clever. So she thought are clever trick to catch the rats.

She dressed up as a religious cat and went to a rat. Rat was afraid and started to run away but the cats had to the rat please stopped my dear rat now I have become very old and I cannot catch you so you should not afraid from me.

The rat stopped and looked towards the cat. Then the cat said my dear rat now I am very old and I think I did many sins in my whole life.

Now I want to go to the Ganga river and wash off my all sins.

Will you help me to go to the river so that I can get rid off from my my all sins and that die without any tension.

The that looked towards the religious dress and thought about the sweet words of cat. It agreed to go with her . They went to the holy river Ganga.

The cat said him please pray for me then the rat closed its eyes to pray for her.

But the Clever cat fell upon the rat and ate it up.

Moral ::. do not deceived by sweet words.

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