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Friday, February 23, 2018

Why should we be natural

Why should we be natural

Hello welcome to my website today I am going to attend your attention on why should we be natural??

When television came to my house I really forgot how to read books and do study my full attention is on watching television. My result due to that was very bad.

When car came to my door step I forgot how to walk and started to use my car to go here or there. Consequently my health got down because walk is very necessary for good health.

When I got mobile in my hands I forgot to write letters. Consequently dark fragrance of letters which when spread and feel my relatives close to me had lost.

When computer came to my house I forgot spellings and the result was that when little child asked any spelling from me I was unable to help him or her which was very ashamed.

When AC came to my house I stop going under the tree for a gust of cold air and its consequences very bad because I got very far from fresh air.

When I stayed in the city I forgot the smell of mud.

By dealing with banks and Cards I forgot the value of money.

With smell of perfume I forgot the smell of fragrance of flowers.

With coming of fast food in my life I forgot to cook traditional meal.

And at last when I got WhatsApp I forgot how to talk.

At last I was thinking is it impact of modernization or it was due to my mistake.

And finally I got the result modernization does not make us artificial we always be natural and take care of our health.

If today we got pizza, a big pizza,the  biggest pizza we shouldn't forget the values of fresh and healthy food and balanced diet this is our is only for today enjoying not for everyday.

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