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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The slave and the lion. A short story for kids in English with great moral.

The slave and the lion..

Once upon a time

There lived a rich Merchant in a city.

He had a Slave.  The Merchant was very cruel.  Once the slave could not beat the cruelty of the merchant. 

He ran away to a forest.  He went forward and saw a lion. It was injured and crying a lot. Actually there was a thorn in its paw.

The slave realise the lions pain. Without any fear he went to the lion and pulled out the thorn from its paw.

The Lion felt relieved and it was very thankful to the slave and did not kill him.

In the meantime The Merchant had started a search for the slave. At last the merchant succeed to find him.

But the merchant was very cruel and now he was full of anger. So he ordered that the slave should be thrown before a hungry lion.

But everybody surprised to see that the lion did not kill the slave.  Like a dog It licked the slave feet. Actually the lion recognised this live and that lion was the same who met with the slave in the forest and he reminded his help. 

The Merchant was very surprised how can it be possible then he asked from the slave do you know this lion and then slave replied yes I found it in the forest when it was in trouble and I helped it without any fear.

Now the merchant was very impressed and he realised kindness is never forgotten.

He made the slave Freeman and rest of slave also freed by him..

Moral --kindness   is never forgotten so always be helpful to everyone without any fear.

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